Thursday, March 22, 2012

In Utah

For part of Spring Break I visited my family in Utah! Here is baby Alex who is super-duper cute! She was playing with my favorite toy!
Here we are together. The flash kind of washed us out, but I still like the photo!
Margaret and I always have good times together and we always take silly pictures together. I went to classes with her and toured BYU. She goes to a large school. I spent the night at her apartment and didn't get any sleep. Still fun!
It also snowed and I had to shovel it! But I really didn't because it melted by the afternoon. A good thing did come from it: I have buff arms now!
We went to the Islamic art exhibit at BYU and saw some cool stuff. Here are the pictures I got before the security guard told me to stop...

It was awesome. It's always nice to relax and to get away from the world...and homework! I love going to Utah because it's all about family and relaxing. Oh and I learned how to play Dominion! Can I just say that I love that game...probably going to go purchase me a set!


  1. haha security guards are such a pain. I like Margaret's eyeshadow. Where have you been Hilaree!! I haven't seen you in foreverz

  2. Yeah I'm awesome to come visit and be with. Feel free to get me a set too!

  3. Love the crazy socks, Hef! Can't wait for you to come visit. Jonas and Jans are addicted to Dominion, so we'll have to play lots, and try to defeat Ammon! Argh, the only game we play together that I don't pound him into dust. (Love you, Dear! :))


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